Get involved!
Are you interested in championing the restoration of Surrey’s hedgerows? Then become a Hedgerow Heritage Volunteer!

Let’s revive traditional hedge planting and laying skills in the local community together. During the Autumn and Winter, we will be running practical work party sessions in different locations within the North Downs. Sessions will include planting new hedgerows and learning the traditional craft of hedgelaying to improve existing hedges.
As part of the project, we plan to protect 63km of existing hedgerows and create or restore 6.5km of additional hedgerows. Sign up as a volunteer today and help us leave a legacy in the Surrey countryside.
We need your help to learn more about the current state of hedgerows across the North Downs and wider Surrey area. The data collected by the Hedge Surveyors will help inform the future management plans and advice given to landowners to help improve the quality and connectivity of hedgerows for wildlife and the provision of ecosystem services.
Hedgerow Survey Map
Use our interactive map below to explore the different hedges our Hedge Surveyors have been working on.
If you are looking for a hedge to survey, zoom in and hover over/click on a hedge to find the ID number and current survey status. You can also search for your postcode to see which hedges are nearby!